Friday, May 8, 2020

East of Unemployed (or West of Nowhere) - CareerAlley

East of Unemployed (or West of Nowhere) - CareerAlley We may receive compensation when you click on links to products from our partners. Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead Summertime in New York. Hot, humid and lots of tourists. You know how it is, everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere on very crowded sidewalks. But when you throw in the wandering texter to the mix, its almost impossible to get to where you are going. So what is a wandering texter? This is someone who is walking on the street with their head down typing either emails on a Blackberry or texting on a smartphone. Somehow they think they are saving time doing two things at once (like walking and texting), but what they are really doing is slowing down traffic on the sidewalk. Sooner or later they will walk into some obstacle (or person). Id like to yell MOVE OVER (but of course I dont). This is a somewhat perfect segue to todays topic leveraging the latest websites in your job search (okay, so maybe not so perfect a segue). Thanks to my Twitter friends for todays links. Your virtual social identity on the Web is their tag line. So exactly what is Vsoid? Well for one, you can look for a suitable job that matches your skills and potential. There are lots of other things you can do on the site, but we are going to focus on the job piece. Click the find job box on the left hand side of the page (or click the link center page). The click leads to a very simple job search page (just enter your career type) and the search engine returns a listing of jobs. Click on Apply for this job and off you go. This website is in beta, but dont let that stop you. The main page has links for Resumes (top left hand side) or login / create an account on the top right hand side of the page. Center page is the job search function (enter the job type and your location). Further down on the page is additional information on the site (free resume database, personalized resume link take a look). Another site where you can create, store and share your resume. Top of the page starts with a job search tool (enter your search terms and then use the filter on the next page). They have a job search specific page as well (with lots more options). Create an account to get started. Once youve signed up, you can create a private or public listing of your resume. Once youve signed up, you are ready to go. The site guides you through the steps. Work From Home Jobs and Companies Everybodys dream is to work from home and make lots of money doing it. This article, from, provides a list of work from home jobs with links. Additional links are given to the work from home section of existing sites. Take a look at the topics at the top left hand side of the page. There are links for listings, types of jobs, companies that specialize this and lets not forget the work from home scams (there is a link for that to). TEXT, TWEET, BLOG AND SURF YOUR WAY TO A NEW JOB Okay, so this link is really for the wandering texters I mentioned at the beginning of the post. But seriously, we all know that so much of job search is done over the web. This article, posted on, provides some background on all of the required ingredients (LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.). Additionally, there are some pointers on finding recruiters and searching your connections. Good luck in your search.

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